

Bringing hope to the world's children and young adults, one life at a time!

About HopeLink Inc.

HopeLink Inc. is a non-profit, Christian, humanitarian agency whose MISSION STATEMENT reads:

"To focus our energy and resources
in meeting the crying needs of the world's children
suffering from hunger, poverty, illiteracy, abuse,
disease and despair."

Serving globally to equip local leaders for sustainable development in their communities, we seek to demonstrate God's love by bringing HOPE and PURPOSE to at-risk children and young adults in Canada and across the world.


"Bringing HOPE to the world's children and young adults - one life at a time!"


Our primary focus is Native Children and Young Adults of Canada's North and the At-Risk Youth of the Caribbean.


The heart of HopeLink's strategy is a holistic ministry providing a year-round Circle of Support that addresses five critical youth needs:

  1. A Healthy Start
  2. Literacy to Go
  3. Skills to Succeed
  4. Fitness and Recreation
  5. Creative Arts

This strategy features a balanced life philosophy featuring the physical, mental, social and spiritual. It also reflects the five principles of the Ontario Promise Vision.

It is our conviction that as we develop and establish on-going sustainable models, that other communities will be inspired and instructed as to how to replicate the success into their local setting.

Our list of board members and our statement of faith can be found via the links on the left.

For more information please feel free to contact us.


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